Some of my favorite projects

Grapefruit Color Study -13

Grapefruit Color Study, 6x6in, Oil on gessoed chipboard; Painted from life in my kitchen mid March

These are a few of my favorite things:

I love both of these knives; My blue handled pairing knife from my grandma and my chef’s knife from my mom and dad.

My target spoon with a beautiful, heafty lobed handle.

The thrifted plates that make my meals more pleasurable than I ever imagined a plate could with its subtle ripple of rings on the surface and burnt warm-toned edge.

Oh yes, and the grapefruit. These golden grapefruit were particularly delicious and rewarding to paint.

I painted this one a couple of weeks back so the story of its birth is not fresh in my mind, but I do remember having to paint quickly. When I finished, I wasn’t so sure if I liked it or not but after a few days I saw it and was intensely pleased.

Something about the warm grey knife handle and the pop of blue makes me feel grounded and satisfied.

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