Some of my favorite projects

Midnight Reflections – 9

Midnight Reflections, 6x6in, oil on aluminum composite panel; Painted in my kitchen on a warm March midnight while listening to On Being with John O’Donohue. There were tears.

Ahhh to be an insomniac. Where is this sleeplessness coming from? Dear paintings, are you too stimulating for my nighttime brain? Thankfully, I had John O’Donohue and Krista Tippet to keep me company and to indeed induce reflections in my mind, on Being.

About the composition: My muse, the petit lamp I got at a thrift store in Williston, ND, took a while to position in relation to the little glass of wine. I wanted their highlight reflections to fall in the rule of thirds which took about 20 minutes of nit-picking, back and forth a couple of nudges at a time, until I was happy.

I appreciate my little glass’s simplicity, form, and highlights. The background color and flow of light is beautiful to look at as well. Nice work Morgie!

Painting in low light on a dark background and positioning the bottle at the far right of the canvas seems to have created an unwanted catch to the flow of my composition. It’s just so dark! I also could clean up some of these edges… Hello, label and lampshade. I’m looking at you.

I focused on mixing warmer paints than some of my previous paintings which I think came out too blue. It worked. This painting is incredibly warm… Aside from the wine bottle… which just… I can’t quite get past it.

Perhaps tonight, I will instead paint just the lamp and glass. Using a square composition, I thrive on short, stout shapes.

My company, just behind my shoulder. Hello sweet Raven!

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